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3DWeather 3.4 macOS 28 mb Weather3D is an impressive weather app for your macOS and unlike any other weather app available, Weather3D brings you weather information in an amazing 3D style, so that what matters most to you, all the important weather updates are delivered to you through widget which sits looking attractive on your desktop. 3DWeather 3.5.1 破解版 – 3D动画天气工具 2020-02-29 1 分钟 10 3DWeather 是一款Mac上非常漂亮的3D动画天气工具,以3D动画的方式显示天气信息,具有多个主题模式可选,非常好玩的一款天气工具!. CleanMyMac X 4.6.3 - Makes it simple for macOS users to scan for, detect. AppStore QR-Code ‎3DWeather. Developer: INSPIRING-LIFE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED. 3DWeather is an impressive weather. 3DWeather is an impressive weather application for Mac that shows weather information in an amazing style. It lets you keep a 3D animated widget on the desktop that generates scenic representation of the present weather condition. One can also hide the widget and access the app from Menubar.


3DWeather for Mac download. Download 3DWeather for Mac full version. Official 3DWeather for Mac is ready to work on iOS, MacOS and Android. from Gamesintosh.com Website

“The Very First of Its Kind”

3DWeather is a great climate application for Mac that shows climate data in a stunning style. It gives you a chance to keep a 3D vivified gadget on the desktop that creates picturesque representation of the present climate condition. One can likewise shroud the gadget and access the application from Menubar. This is the means by which it turns out to be super simple and speedy to get most recent climate overhauls and estimate at whatever point you require them.

Drift over the gadget and sit tight for quite a while. A pop up window will consequently show up with the essential climate points of interest and measurements.

Dazzling THEMES: Magic hider 1 4 18.

The application will never get dull and look old to you, since, similar to seasons, it will change it’s look. 3DWeather comes pressed with topics highlighting distinctive scenes, spots and climate.

It has a sum of 21 subjects, containing diverse characteristic components and environment. Adobe photoshop graphic design software free download. We’ve been continually overhauling 3DWeather with new subjects and components to make it a perfect climate application for you.


(update not required after install)
(LOCAL dll, update required to last version)
(update required)

3DWeather gives you a chance to tweak it to such degree that it will end up being your own one of a kind individual climate collaborator.


3d Weather 3 4 0

3DWeather gets climate details from Weather Underground which is the most exact and definite climate estimate supplier accessible worldwide till date.

– Humidity

– Dew Point

– UV file

– Wind chill

– Heat file

– Visibility

Firestream 1 26 – upnpdlna media server. – WNW

– Precipitation in rate

– Precipitation in mm

– Sunset and Sunrise planning with last upgrade time

– Hourly climate gauge for the following 36 hours

– Daily climate gauge for the following 4 days

3DWeather for Mac


You will get auspicious climate caution straightforwardly sent to the Notification Center about late upgrades and improvements on climate for the duration of the day.

Application HIGHLIGHTS:

3dweather 3 4 Player Games

– Save up to 10 areas in the application.

3dweather 3 4 0

– Open application at login.

– Browse climate estimate from Menu Bar.

– Use climate symbol in dock with temperature status.

– Float gadget on top of everything in Desktop.

– Adjust straightforwardness of gadget.

3dweather 3 4 Trailer

– Choose from four diverse gadget sizes.

– Get climate caution in Notification Center with sound.

– Get sustains from other climate data supplier and use it in the application.

– Change climate symbols from 2 distinctive symbol sets that is accessible in the application.

– View climate information and conjecture in Window Style and view it in fullscreen from that point.

– Free future upgrades with new subjects ensured.

In this way, download 3DWeather today and grasp another methodology of showing climate gauge which is both enlightening and delightful to take a gander at.

Format : .rar or exe, no password
Filesize : found in download links bellow

1- Download using mirrors available, be sure to follow the instructions
2- Open .exe or .rar file and follow instructions
3- Install - Update is required after installation!

(update required after install)
(updated to last version)
(updated to last version)


It is always great to see how developers try and showcase their design with weather apps. 3DWeather by idea2inspire is a very interesting and good looking weather app for OS X. Unlike most weather apps for OS X that live in your menu bar, 3DWeather has a variety of options for you weather viewing pleasure.

While 3DWeather is one of the most uninspired names out there, the interface and animations are quite the opposite. I love the flat and blockly look of all the objects in each of the themes available. Up to 10 locations are supported and while I would not nearly need that many, I would have liked more weather source options. I use Forecast.io wherever possible as it is the most accurate but I can’t in 3DWeather. Iconography and typography here are a little bland compared to the actual animations. The sidebar displays the temperature and icon and a nice touch would have been tinting this at night to match the dark look of the theme for the animation happening in the main window. 3DWeather does let you view a variety of weather related information ranging from humidity and heat index to precipitation and wind chill. There’s also an hourly forecast for the next 36 hours and a daily 4 day weather forecast available from within.

3dweather 3 4

I’ve been using 3DWeather in widget form on the top left of my desktop and it is one of those things that looks so good that I don’t feel like disabling it at all. The widget view is one of multiple ways to view the weather. There’s a menu bar app that has an implementation similar to Fantastical and a full fledged app in the “Home” view that can’t be accessed with a keyboard shortcut for some reason. 3DWeather also lets you view the weather as an icon in the dock. I would have loved an option to disable the icon in the dock when I just have the widget view enabled.

3DWeather does a lot of things well but needs a little more polish before it will be an essential purchase even for the non weather enthusiastic folk out there. I hope the developers add better navigation options across all the different views and the ability to disable the dock icon. 3DWeather is available on the Mac App Store for $3.99 and it has in app purchases for more themes.

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